
Candy Making on TV

Insight, a local television program, came to our shop and wanted a simple candy making demonstration. It is a two-part video showing different types of easy candy to make for the holidays, including barks, molded barks, dark chocolate mint cookies, dipped caramels and bon bons. Find the video link here for part one and part two.

Cookie Pumpkin Bowl with Marbled Leaves

This pumpkin cookie box was created with Nordicware’s 3-D pumpkin pan. The cookie dough was rolled and then formed into the sprayed pan. After the bowl was baked and cooled, I covered it with orange rolled fondant and added rolled fondant accents. The sugar cookies inside the box were iced with run sugar icing. This project was one of ten of my projects that were featured in “1000 ideas for decorating cupcakes, cookies & cakes.” Whenever I need some inspiration, this is my go-to book! It is full of beautiful confectionary projects from around the world.

Pumpkin Cookie Box with Marbled Leaf Cookies

1000 Ideas for decorating cupcakes, cakes and cookies.

Paisley Candy Mold shown in Dulce Variedad Gelatinas Magazine

Lourdes Reyes is a fantastic artist who created the 3D Gelatin Desserts technique. She is the owner of the company, GELART FLORAL, which is exclusively dedicated to the 3D Gelatin art. In Dulce Variedad Gelatinas, No. 48, Lourdes creats a awesome gelatin dessert featuring the paisley mold. Visit Lourdes website for more ideas on 3-D gelatin projects,

Rose Texture Mat shown in UK Cake Craft and Decoration Magazine

Stephen Benison created a stylish, contemporary wedding cake with texture & color using my rose texture mat from the floral texture sheet set. This cake is featured in the September 2011 issue of UK Cake Craft and Decoration magazine. Stephen Benison is an incredibly talented decorator from the UK. He has several books and DVDs, and has his own line of very cool cutters and supplies, including the purse cutters featured on the packaging of my fabric texture set. Visit Stephen’s website”  to see his innovative tools, cutters, books, and dvds.

Guest appearance on Bake, Decorate, Celebrate!

I was invited to be a guest on Wilton’s show, Bake Decorate Celebrate!  We filmed last fall (episode 708), and it is set to be aired in early spring of 2010.  Bake Decorate Celebrate! is in it’s seventh season and has won two Telly awards.  It is a really great show and I would encourage you to check it out.  Visit your local public broadcasting station to find the show.  DVD of past seasons can also be purchased. 

Nancy Siler and Melanie Glasscock were wonderful hosts and I had a great time seeing how the show is created.  Nancy is an amazing decorator and has so many job titles, I don’t know how she can keep them straight!  Among her many job titles, is Director of the Wilton School, where she continually develops the Wilton classes.

For more information, visit the site:  Bake, Decorate, Celebrate!

Tutorial Videos online

Finally after several months of waiting, I finally have instructional video tutorials on  I posted 7 new videos, with the intentions of adding several more in the next two weeks.  To view them currently, you have to visit one of the products, scroll below where there is a link “related videos” (header will soon have a direct link to all videos).  Right now there are six videos for the cookie cutter texture sets, and one video for molding fondant with candy molds.  Thanks to my husband for all of his patience!